Introducing Tsugami America
Announced at IMTS 2022, Tsugami/Rem Sales is now Tsugami America, a name change in part to reinforce the company’s continued efforts to be partners in machining technology with its North American customers.

IMTS is the site for the introduction of Tsugami America, formerly Tsugami/Rem Sales, the exclusive source for Tsugami CNC machine tools in North America since 1978. The company’s redesigned booth 339410 that reflects this change is located at the corner of the South building, close to the skyway leading to the East building.
“We are very excited to reintroduce ourselves as Tsugami America here at IMTS,” says Tsugami America president Michael Mugno. “Our hope is that this new look better matches the modern technology of the machinery and reflects our partnership with our customers. While our look and name have changed, we still provide the same world-class technology and dedicated local service and support.”
The booth features the company’s new branding throughout as well as a different layout compared to previous IMTS editions. Amy Schildwaster, brand marketing and events manager, notes that the company’s redesigned booth features 10 machines, three including bar feeders, largely because Tsugami America customers often purchase machines such as Swiss-type lathes with such automation to enable long stretches of unattended machining.
In addition, all machines are performing live cutting demonstrations. One of these is a Swiss-type with laser-cutting capability showing that lasers can be used to cut solid barstock, not just tube as one might expect. That’s intriguing, and worth checking out in and of itself.
The International Manufacturing Technology Show runs September 12 - 17, 2022 at McCormick Place in Chicago. Register for IMTS today to start planning your show.